Operation: Zimbabwe
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Key Figures
2020 planning figures | |
100% | of households will be living in adequate dwellings |
100% | of primary school aged children will be enrolled in primary education |
100% | of status determination procedures will meet minimum procedural standards advocated by UNHCR |
40% | of stateless persons and their situation will be identified |
6 | educational facilities will be constructed or improved |
2018 year-end results | |
100% | of refugees had access to primary health care |
75% | of primary school-aged children were enrolled in primary education |
12,060 | refugees benefitted from the distribution of multi-purpose cash grants |
890 | households received production kits or inputs for agriculture or livestock activities |
450 | latrines were constructed |
150 | people of concern had access to anti-retroviral treatment |
Latest Updates
People of Concern
Increase in
2019 | 291,583 |
2018 | 18,891 |
2017 | 18,874 |

[["Refugees",8959],["Asylum-seekers",11533],["IDPs",270000],["Returned refugees",132],["Others of concern",959]]
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- 2015
- 2016
- 2017
- 2018
- 2019
- 2020
Operational Environment
The political, operational and security environment in Zimbabwe is expected to remain stable in 2019, resulting in a favourable protection environment for refugees and asylum-seekers. Zimbabwe is a state party to the 1951 Convention on the Status of Refugees, as well as to the 1969 Organisation of African Unity Convention, but maintains reservations on rights to movement, work and social welfare. Zimbabwe has also not yet acceded to the 1961 Convention on Reduction of Statelessness.The Government continues to provide transit centre facilities, land, access to services and social amenities, in-kind donations as well as experienced personnel for the refugee response. Structured coordination mechanisms are in place to facilitate UNHCR’s cooperation with partners. The local host community around Tongogara refugee camp is welcoming people of concern, allowing their sustainable integration through the socio-economic services.
As part of the multi-year, multi-partner protection and solutions strategy, UNHCR will enhance partnerships with the Registrar General, universities, diplomatic representations, NGOs, faith-based organizations and parliamentarians to leverage on the progress achieved in the past for both refugee and statelessness responses. UNHCR will focus on strengthening and diversifying the pool of partners, which will provide the platform for rolling out the Comprehensive Refugee Response Framework (CRRF) in Zimbabwe.
Key Priorities
For the refugee response, priorities will centre on the provision of shelter, healthcare, livelihoods, education and water/sanitation, as well as ensuring child protection, capacity development, strengthening response to sexual and gender-based violence, and facilitation of durable solutions. In order to reduce statelessness, UNHCR will conduct a comprehensive study on statelessness and develop a national action plan.In 2019, UNHCR will focus on:
- Partnership diversification for sustainable protection, assistance and solutions for both the refugee and statelessness programmes;
- Improving the self-reliance of people of concern through diversified and context specific livelihoods activities in line with the principles of the graduation approach;
- Conducting a comprehensive study on statelessness in Zimbabwe, and enhancing the network of partners in implementation of a national action plan to tackle statelessness.