Internal displacement is a global phenomenon.
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In 2018, there were 28 million new internal displacements associated with conflict, violence and disasters. Internal displacement uproots people within their own countries, often at a moment’s notice, depriving them of their homes, jobs and basic services and more.
IOM, Mongolia Build Displacement Tracking Capacity to Prepare for Natural Disasters
The event, which was part of a joint IOM / NEMA project on climate change and disaster-related migration, brought together migration experts and representatives from government, NGOs and UN humanitarian agencies to discuss the role of IOM’s Displacement Tracking...

Mozambique: Resettling and Rebuilding After Cyclone Idai
From the city of Beira, the Government’s Disaster Management Agency (INGC) has received operational support from IOM, notably in Camp Coordination and Camp Management (CCCM) activities, and through the distribution of Non-Food Items (NFIs) and shelter kits to...

New Spike in Displacement in Eastern DRC Further Complicates Ebola Response, Requires Urgent Relocation and Response
Renewed violence in the eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) region that is struggling to contain the on-going Ebola outbreak, has claimed the lives of at least 160 people and displaced hundreds of thousands of others, further complicating the response to...