
Cluster Coordination Performance Monitoring

The CCPM is a very important exercise as it allows for partner feedback on the performance of the cluster and agreed upon ways to improve areas that are not scoring well. If implemented in a collaborative spirit, the process can create a sense of shared ownership and raise the profile of the cluster.The completion of the Cluster Coordination Performance Monitoring (CCPM) exercise is required for all clusters at least once a year.

Although previously quite a heavy undertaking, the GSC has been involved in a task force to revise the process and it now contains a 10-question survey for partners and a validation workshop that can take the form of a 2-hour cluster meeting. If a timeframe for the CCPM has not yet been agreed upon by the HCT or ICCG in-country, the process should be intitiated by the cluster as soon as possible.

As part of the process, an introductory email about the CCPM should be shared with cluster partners by the cluster coordinator, below is suggested text and may be edited to suit a given context as required. The Global Support Team will help with generating the preliminary report, after which the meeting to validate the results and agree on action points should be planned.

Please note that for merged clusters this process applies to both the Shelter/NFI and CCCM partners, so the email should be sent to all partners (they will be asked to indicate if their scoring applies to both clusters or one in particular).

There are two questionnaires (one for partners and one for coordinators), please get in touch with Reneé Wynveen ( to request links to the surveys. The survey takes 10 minutes to complete and is available in English, French, Spanish and Arabic, it should be filled by partners at both national and sub-national level (if applicable). Since the survey is short, translating it into locally relevant languages should be considered (use the template below and return it to Bo Hurkmans).

Dear Shelter Cluster partners,

I would like to request your participation in the Cluster Coordination Performance Monitoring (CCPM) exercise.

It is a brief survey designed to enable cluster partners to assess the degree to which their cluster has achieved its core functions (as determined by the IASC). It is anonymous, but please note that all comments will be reported.

It focuses on core functions of the cluster and the cluster’s accountability to affected populations. The results will be combined with the results of a similar questionnaire for cluster coordinators. The findings will be discussed with participants (including cross-cutting focal points) at a cluster meeting, where actions to improve performance will be planned if they are needed. Decisions on action will be shared (as appropriate) with cluster lead agencies, national authorities, the humanitarian coordinator, and global clusters.

The survey can be accessed at: LINK TO PARTNER SURVEY


Kind regards,


The below table gives an overview of Cluster Coordination Performance Monitoring exercises per country (in cases where countries have not used the standard survey but implemented a comparable methododology, the exercise is still counted).

Afghanistan Completed survey, validation workshop and report Completed in April 2018: Next round: January 2019
Bangladesh Not applicable, cluster is in preparedness mode  
Cameroon Survey and Report Completed Jan-19
Central Afr. Rep. Survey and Report Completed Jan-19
Chad Completed; Validation workshop and report  Q4 '18
Dem. Rep. of the Congo Completed last survey in 2016 Q1'19
El Salvador Not applicable, cluster is in preparedness mode  
Ethiopia  Completed survey in 2016 / new round planned Q3 '18
Indonesia Earthquake 2018 Initial Workshop Conducted with authorities and CCPM discussion planned Feb-19
Iraq Completed survey-pending workshop and report Dec '18- Jan '19
Kenya Not applicable, cluster is in preparedness mode  
Madagascar Not applicable, cluster is in preparedness mode  
Mali Completed survey May-16 Q2 '19
Mozambique Not applicable, cluster is in preparedness mode  
Myanmar Completed survey Apr-16 Completed survey Apr-16
Nepal Not applicable, cluster is in preparedness mode  
Nigeria Completed Survey, Report forthcoming  Completed December '18
Pacific Region Not applicable, cluster is in preparedness mode  
Philippines Not applicable, cluster is in preparedness mode  
Somalia Completed Cluster review at the end of 2018 Q3 '18
South Sudan Completed survey and report Q1 '19
State of Palestine Completed report Q3 '18
Sudan Completed survey Feb-17
Syrian Arab Rep. (incl. Turkey Hub) Completed in Q'18/workshop completed Dec-18
Tonga Completed Oct-18
Ukraine Completed survey in 2018 Jan-18
Vanuatu Review of cluster completed Q3' 19
Yemen Compled in Q3'18; workshop completed Nov '18


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