
July 2019
Unknown / UNHCR, 2018


Conflict, natural disasters, poverty and regional dynamics continue to generate significant numbers of internally displaced and non-displaced persons. From April 2019 to June 2019, approximately 172,173 individuals affected and /or displaced by conflict and natural disasters were in need of Emergency Shelter and NFI assistance mainly in Nangahar, Takhar, Faryab and Kunar, Badghis, Sar-e-pul, Balkh and Samangan Province in the Western, Eastern, North and Northeast regions of Afghanistan. A total of 25 out of 34 provinces recorded some level of forced displacement while a total of 28 provinces out of 34 experienced natural disasters. Decades of conflict, coupled with environmental degradation, and insufficient investment in disaster risk reduction strategies, has contributed to increasing vulnerability of the Afghan people to cope with the sudden shock of natural disasters. In addition, lack of adequate shelter, food insecurity, insufficient access to sanitation and health facilities, as well as a lack of protection, has resulted in precarious living conditions that jeopardizes the well-being and dignity of affected families. Food, adequate shelter, NFI, WASH, and health care remain high priority needs.  

Coverage against targets

Need analysis

From April 2019 to June 2019, approximately 75,142 individuals affected/displaced by conflict were in need of emergency shelter and NFI assistance mainly in Nangahar, Takhar, Faryab and Kunar Province in the Eastern, North and Northeast regions of Afghanistan. Constrained humanitarian access hindered assessments, thus preventing verification of the full extent of displacement and the provision of assistance and services. During the same period, 97,031 individuals were affected by natural disasters throughout Afghanistan resulting in at least 45 deaths and 85 individuals being reported as injured. 4,505 houses were reported as destroyed and 8,441 houses reported as damaged.


As of 01 April, to 30 June 2019, a total of 197,374 individuals including 19% men, 20% women, 32% boys and 29% girls were provided with various shelter and NFIs assistance through in-kind and cash modalities.

  • 190,616 individuals were supported with NFIs.
  • 6,823 individuals received emergency shelter including cash for rent, emergency shelter kit.
  • 358 vulnerable individuals received a variety of shelter support including the upgrading of existing makeshift or damaged shelters while a few were supported to construct transitional shelters.

Approximately 53,038 individuals received additional shelter and NFIs assistance.As of 01 January – 30 June 2019, the cluster has reached 418,203 individuals with shelter assistance, non food item (NFIs) and winterization support. 41,709 individuals were provided with shelter assistance, 329,873 received NFI packages, and 764 individuals received support to reconstruct or repair their homes. In addtion 45,857 vulnerable individuals received winterization support in January and Feburary to help mitigate and protect against risks associated with harsh weather conditions.

Gaps / challenges

The cluster has received 21 per cent of its budget requirements for the year, resulting in a lack of capacity among partners to respond to the emergency shelter and NFI needs of most vulnerable individuals affected by natural disasters and / or conflict.