Coordination Toolkit (2018 version)

1F: Emergency Funding Appeals

During this Phase it is not uncommon that the Cluster is asked to contribute towards a Flash Appeal or Emergency HRP. The processes can be very time consuming and detract from other important Cluster functions. As the documents from Iraq (Mosul) and Nepal demonstrate the Cluster’s input into the final OCHA produced document is limited (often two or three pages of text or even a few paragraphs). The key is to maintain engagement in the process while also ensuring that the Cluster continues to function and grow.

  • 1Fi: Iraq 2016 – Mosul Flash Appeal. Written and produced by OCHA in a matter of weeks, the process was distracting and at times arbitrary due to the myriad of unknowns and assumptions. The needs were very difficult to quantify and the main partners were unsure what they could do due to access constraints. The WORD document shows the original template prepared by the Cluster. The final draft of the consolidate appeal used a fraction of the original text.
  • 1Fii: Nepal 2015 – Flash Appeal. Example of a well written flash appeal.
  • 1Fiii: Bangladesh 2017 – Emergency HRP. Rather than a Flash appeal, an emergency HRP was written in the autumn of 2017. The Sector representing Shelter and NFI section (page 27) sets out the immediate needs and strategy in very concise prose. Here the challenge is to try to capture all the issues with such a limited word count. The final HRP was launched in early 2018 and is online for comparison purposes.
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