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January 2019


The objective of the Pacific Shelter Cluster is to support a coherent and effective humanitarian shelter response following disaster events in Pacific Island Countries, underpinned by preparedness and capacity building initiatives. The regional coordination team led by International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) in accordance with its global shelter mandate, prioritises provision of support to country-level clusters across the Pacific according to their specific needs. Much of this support is provided to National Governments who are responsible for humanitarian response in their countries.

At the request of national governments, the Pacific Shelter Cluster continued to support national shelter clusters in the region in 2018 with a range of preparedness and capacity building activities tailored to in-country needs, and the coordination of three country-level emergency responses reaching over 67,000 people with emergency shelter, non-food items, and/or technical assistance.

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Coordination Team