
June 2018


Recent figures on displacement monitoring in the Northeast Nigeria shows that there are 262 IDP camps in Borno, Adamawa and Yobe State hosting 744,769 individuals and 151,451 households which is over 30% of the entire displaced population (DTM Round 23). Accumulated weekly monitoring done for the month of June 2018, show that various locations received a total of 18,053 arrivals while there were 4,371 departures. The highest arrival movements were recorded in Bama (3,827), Gwoza (2,216), Biu (1,557), Dikwa (1,244), Askira/Uba (778), Konduga (685), Ngala (643), Mafa (581), and Mobbar (556). Highest departure movements where recorded in Adamawa State in Demsa (523), Madagali (441), Fufore (329), Mubi North (174), Yola North (111). Refugee population returning into Nigeria in June were 1,574 people from Cameroun and 573 from Niger Republic. Notably, 84% of individuals involved in these movements are IDPs while 16% are returnees. Movement triggers such as poor living conditions, voluntary relocation, and military operations account for Over 70% these spontaneous movements in June. 

Coverage against targets

Need analysis

During the period under the review, there was an increase in shelter needs due to the rate of new arrivals while the NFI needs remains critical. New arrivals in Ngala staying in the reception center for longer duration than anticipated, due to lack of shelters.The sector is coordinating with the Education sector to elaborate a clear map of school facilities to be evacuated. This will help the Shelter sector to incorporate on the beneficiaries’ list people living currently in education facilities. The sector launched a working group which is tasked to propose emergency and transitional shelter solutions including reviewing of the current shelter solutions, designs and approaches which fit to the weather conditions with tailored and localized parameters. The inclusion of the beneficiaries’ ability to easily maintain their Shelter will be an additional element. The sector will continue to monitor the completion of the reception facilities mainly the one of Dikwa and set up a proper maintenance mechanism for all the reception facilities. The sector will pursue the validation of the due diligence prepare by the HLP working group and ensure that the sectors members are ready for the workshop provide by the focal point of the Global Shelter Cluster on HLP. 


As of June, a total of 11,265 vulnerably displaced households were reached with culturally appropriate and dignified shelter solutions; amongst which 10,108 households were assisted with emergency shelter response while 1,157 households with transitional Shelter response. Vast majority of the shelter assisted population are displaced across Kala Balge, Dikwa, Ngala, Gwoza and Konduga local Government areas respectively. However, the progressive-cumulative number of population assisted with shelter solution since January is 28,199.Shelter TWG developed and validated a local and culturally appropriate shelter design as part of its panel of Transitional shelter response to be adopted as reintegration strategy in meeting the longer term shelter need of returnee population in North east Nigeria.The sector is collaborating with REACH in their Multi-sectoral Assessment to capture detailed shelter and NFI needs in specific locations. This assessment will be used to validate the sector’s severity assessment for the Humanitarian Needs Overview.As part of the response to the contingency plan and preparedness for the rainy season and risk of fire outbreak, the sector has successfully reached priority locations with tools for flood prevention and mitigation including training of teams. Also drainage assessment and mitigation project was done in Damboa, Monguno, Mafa, Jere, Gajiganna which is to rely heavily on community participation, with completed project of drainages in Dikwa and MMC.

Gaps / challenges

HLP: Ability to secure viable land to construct shelters in view to accommodate and decongest camps and reception centers poses a great challenge in providing dignified shelter support to vulnerably displaced families. Recent analysis by the sector highlights the need for 605 hectares of land across areas and sites identified to be critically congested. The sector is continuously advocating for and collaborating with the government, partners and key stakeholders to swiftly tackle these challenges.Damages: The sector initiated a series of assessment in all states to capture the level of damages due to heavy windstorm with anticipated high level of damage to shelters. The windstorm destroyed around 522 shelters in Arabic camp in Ngala and people have been moved to communal building within the camp while waiting for the repair of the shelters being undertaken by partners. Preparations are underway for shelter reinforcement of 1000 shelters at International School camp in Ngala.