
< Dec 2018
March 2019
Shelter Cluster, April 2019


  • Humanitarian Needs Overview (HNO) and Humanitarian Response Plan (HRM) 2019 exercise was conducted in January-February 2019.
  • Cluster identified 3.45 M as a cluster PiN which consists of 3.17 IDPs and 277,642 non-displaced people.
  • Cluster has targeted 2.7 M which consists of 2.2 M IDPs, 143,050 non-displaced and 395,950 Returnees.
  • Cluster’s overall funding requirement for the year 2019 is 112 Million $ to address ESNFI needs.
  • Shelter/NFI Cluster assisted 15% percent out of 2.7 million IDPs and Returnees across six Regions.

Coverage against targets

Need analysis

Ongoing conflict and its shift to new locations have exacerbated needs for shelter and non-food items. Therefore, partners will continue to target people with acute, life-saving needs for shelter materials, basic household items or a combination of both solely based on identified need.The priority for the cluster is Dawa, West Guji and Gedo, East and West Wellega, East and West Hararge zones, and in coordination with Health, WASH and Nutrition cluster, communities prone to disease outbreak will be prioritized., IDP populations bordering Somali and Oromia regions are in critically in need of ESNFI, the implementation was, made more difficult due to both exacerbated insecurities.Going into the second year of the crisis, existing shelters in IDP and IDP returnee sites need to be maintained and improved while both new arrivals and those transitioning from displacement to returnees and reintegration require new shelters.Thousands of conflict IDPs were reported across the country. According to DTM 15, the number of conflicts IDPs up the end February 2019 is 403,327 households. As per the Gap Analysis 312,636 HHs requires urgent ESNFIs. 


Between January 2019 and March 2019, the cluster response was 71,852 households in Amhara, Oromia, Somali, SNNPR, Gambella and Tigray with full S/NFI kits (35,290), cash grants/vouchers (13,698) and partial S/NFI kits (20,427) and for Rehabilitation component, Cluster also supported 2,437 HHs with Repair Kits, Transitional Shelter and Shelter reconstruction activities. So far only 15% of the Cluster target has been reached, as explain above this is due to access and partners waiting for approval of funds from various funds.In Conflict affected IDP’s in the Somali and Oromia region received respectively 49% and 22 % of this overall support. One of this year’s priorities is to encourage the partners to explore different assistance options that provide better protection, health and livelihood opportunities to the displaced people for the long-term. 

Gaps / challenges

In terms of funding requirements for 2019, the cluster has covered only 15% of the needs and is facing a severe funding gap. Furthermore; addition to IDPs support there are Return planning has been observed during the month of March in Oromia Region (West Guji), SNNPR (Gedeo) and Benishangul Gumuz that will stretch on the cluster’s response capacity. Access to the displaced due to security and political interference is another challenge.Below are few challenges:* Lack of a common pipeline or prepositioned ESNFI to provide for the most vulnerable in a timely manner.* Lack of logistical support (e.g. common warehousing) across the region to support partners with aid delivery.* Limited funding for the sector.