ToT Amman

A Global CCCM Training of Trainers (ToT) took place from 29 April to 3 May 2019 in Amman, Jordan, and it was organized by the Global CCCM Cluster. It followed the implementation of two regional ToTs 2017 in Casablanca and Dakar respectively. The Global ToT was organized to further develop the materials and to incorporate feedback received from participants of these previous ToTs.

  18 Jul 2019

Tearing down the walls

UNHCR has launched its report "Tearing Down the Walls: Confronting the Barriers to Internally Displaced Women and Girls’ Participation in Humanitarian Settings", available online at

  09 Jul 2019

Guidance on strengthening disability inclusion in Humanitarian Response Plans

Reaching the people who are most in need of assistance is central to the humanitarian mandate and is reflected in the humanitarian principles of humanity and impartiality. In a humanitarian emergency, people with disabilities are often among those most in need of assistance as they are at heightened risk of violence, exploitation or abuse.  Persons with disabilities also face discrimination due to significant barriers in accessing needed humanitarian assistance.

  29 Apr 2019


IOM, the UN Migration Agency, is pleased to invite you to a panel discussion on participation and women’s empowerment during humanitarian crisis on Wednesday 26 September, 09.30 am – 11.30 am at the Palais des Nations in Geneva.

The panel discussion is organized as part of an advocacy event under IOM’s Women’s Participation Project.

  14 Sep 2018
  Displacement, Participation

You can now access and USE the new IASC Gender with Age Marker here: .The GAM is an easy-to-use, automated tool to increase gender and age responsive programming.  It can be applied at all levels – from individual projects to country strategies – to assess the inclusion of gender and age, as well as a range of broader humanitarian program commitments. 
  05 Jul 2018