The Geneva launch of the third edition of the Professional Standards for Protection Work will take place on Monday, 30 April at the Centre International de Conférences Genève from 16:15-18:00. The event will feature welcoming remarks by ICRC President Mauer and include a panel discussion on the implementation of the Standards and present-day challenges. To register please click here.
The Professional Standards for Protection Work were first published in 2009. Given the growing number and increasing complexity of actors involved in protection work and recognizing that an effective protection response demands adequate professional competence, the Professional Standards for Protection Work were established to create a common baseline to ensure that protection work undertaken by humanitarian and human rights actors meet commonly agreed, minimum but essential professional standards in the interest of both the affected populations and the community of protection actors.
This third edition is the result of a three years long process that involved extensive consultations with partners in the humanitarian and human rights communities. The main areas of revision were:
1. Applicability for humanitarian and human rights actors (throughout)
2. Managing data and information for protection outcomes (Chapter 6)
3. Managing protection strategies (Chapter 2)
4. Interaction and dialogue between protection actors and UN peacekeeping missions and
other internationally mandated military and police forces (Chapter 3)
5. Impact of counter-terrorism legislation on principled protection work
For a copy of the Professional Standards of Protection Work pleases follow the link