Law (0) Policy (0) Ongoing (1) Other (3)



The 4th axis of the Plan El Salvador Seguro (PESS), adopted by the Government of El Salvador in 2017, provides for the development of a law on internal displacement and the implementation of a policy on internal displacement which are currently being developed by the Dirección de Atención a Víctimas. For that purpose, the Salvadorian Government launched the same year a profiling study in cooperation with the United Nations in order to plan its responses to internal displacement (OHCHR 2017). Following the study, the Ministry of Justice and Public Security (Ministerio de Justicia y Seguridad Pública – MJSP) presented in March 2018 the resulting report entitled “Caracterización de la movilidad interna a causa de la violencia en El Salvador” and a roadmap (“Hoja de Ruta de Coordinación Interinstitucional para la Atención y Protección Integral de las Víctimas) (UNHCR 2018). The Government requested the help of civil society organisations to implement the roadmap for at least the next two years and UNHCR is currently supporting the Dirección de Atención a Víctimas (DAV), including its local representations (OLAVS), in the implementation of the roadmap. Finally, the Procuraduría para la Defensa de los Derechos Humanos (PDDH) is taking an important role in the promotion of coordinated and efficient actions towards the protection of internally displaced persons in El Salvador.