A revised 2018 version of the ‘PIM Training Resource Pack’ is now available for download from the following link
The Protection Information Management (PIM) Initiative was launched in 2015, with the objective of providing quality data and information on people in displacement situations in a safe, responsible, and meaningful way. Since 2016, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), the Global Protection Cluster (GPC) and the Danish Refugee Council (DRC), have worked together with PIM stakeholders to offer PIM trainings to humanitarian professionals.
Developed based on the work of the wider PIM community, the PIM Training Resource Pack, is available for use, and incorporation into existing trainings and learning events, either in part or in it’s entirety.
Drawing on adult learning theory, the PIM Training Resource Pack has been designed to enhance fundamental PIM competencies through five different training packages, and offers comprehensive and user-friendly instructions for how to plan and deliver engaging learning events.
The objective of the PIM training is to equip colleagues with the knowledge, skill and attitude required to facilitate dialogue and collaboration while enabling evidence-informed protection analysis, strategy and response.

What participants said about the PIM training

“Our cluster now has a shared understanding of data sensitivity, and know how we can work collaboratively and share it without compromising data protection. Tools and guidance is available for this.”   (Protection Officer, MENA)

“A common approach and a shared vocabulary gives our cluster a stronger basis for collaboration between protection and information management specialized colleagues.” (Protection Cluster Information Management Officer, East Africa)

“Now understanding the different data and information available within our operation, we are well-prepared for the upcoming HNO/HRP.”   (Information Management Officer, MENA)

Thank-you to the PIM Community

We would like to thank protection and IM colleagues from throughout the world for their invaluable contributions in the development and revision of the PIM Training Resource Pack!
As always, PIM remains a collective effort to strengthen the dialogue between protection and information management colleagues to enable evidence-informed action for quality protection outcomes, a crossed humanitarian and development contexts.
We hope that the updated PIM Training Resource Pack will be used widely, and that it will serve to further create ownership and foster use and adaptation of the PIM Conceptual Framework and its components by colleagues and stakeholders across humanitarian and development contexts.”
To learn more about PIM Trainings, or for information on how to get in touch with the PIM Training Team, please click here.