
General information on UNHCR Ukraine’s activities:

UNHCR Ukraine Latest Information Products – April 2019

  • The UNHCR Ukraine Latest Information Products is a one page document that contains snapshots and links to all the latest UNHCR Ukraine updates, fact sheets and dashboards.

UNHCR Ukraine Country Fact Sheet – May 2019

  • The UNHCR Country Fact Sheet is a two page document that contains general information on UNHCR’s protection and humanitarian activities in Ukraine, including information on its partners, persons of concern, funding overview, among others.

Ukraine Situation: UNHCR Operational Update – April 2019

  • The UNHCR Operational Update is published on a monthly basis and reads like a “newsletter”. It informs the reader about the protection and humanitarian activities that UNHCR and its NGO partners have implemented during that respective month. Please note that you can request Operational Updates of previous months by emailing us at UNHCR [email protected].

UNHCR Ukraine Yearly Achievements 2018

  • The UNHCR Ukraine Yearly Achievement is a two page overview of all of our protection and humanitarian activities in favour of refugees, asylum-seekers, stateless, internally displaced and conflict-affected persons in Ukraine in 2018.

Multi-Year, Multi-Partner Protection and Solutions Strategy (MYMP) for Ukraine, 2018-2022 

  • Through extensive consultations with partners in 2017, UNHCR developed a Multi-Year, Multi-Partner Protection and Solutions Strategy for Ukraine. The strategy sets out UNHCR’s plan for engagement in Ukraine for a period of five years (2018-2022).

YEAR ONE Progress Report for the Multi-Year, Multi-Partner Strategy for Ukraine

  • After the first year of the MYMP in Ukraine, this report presents the achievements of the first year of implementation of the strategy in Ukraine (2018) as well as presents the way forward for each of the MYMP’s Strategic Objective.

UNHCR Ukraine’s 2019 Participatory Assessment 

  • This report is based on the Participatory Assessment conducted by UNHCR Ukraine with refugees, asylum seekers, persons with complementary protection, stateless persons, persons at risk of statelessness, internally displaced and conflict affected persons in Ukraine between February and March 2019.

Refugee and Asylum Seekers Update – June 2019

  • This thematic fact sheet explores UNHCR Ukraine’s protection activities in favour of refugees and asylum-seekers.

Statelessness Update – September 2018

  • This thematic fact sheet explores UNHCR Ukraine’s protection activities in favour of persons at risk of statelessness.

In support of advocacy efforts:

Legislative Update – April 2019

  • The UNHCR Ukraine Legislative Update is published on a monthly basis and contains UNHCR’s legal analysis of laws and governmental policies that affects refugees, asylum-seekers, stateless, internally displaced and conflict-affected persons in Ukraine. Please note that you can search for Legislative Updates of previous months on the UNHCR online database Refworld.

UNHCR Ukraine Key Advocacy Messages on Internal Displacement – January 2019

  • The UNHCR Ukraine Key Messages contains a selection of our main advocacy messages for human rights duty bearers in Ukraine.

UNHCR Ukraine Key Advocacy Messages on Asylum – April 2019

  • The UNHCR Ukraine Advocacy Messages on Asylum contains our main messages for Ukrainian authorities to ensure rightful access to asylum.

2017 Participatory Assessment Report for Refugees, Asylum Seekers, and Internally Displaced Persons in Ukraine

  • UNHCR places refugees, internally displaced (IDPs), conflict affected and stateless persons at the centre of its decision-making concerning their protection and well-being. Therefore, UNHCR regularly organizes country wide participatory assessment with our persons of concern. Please note that UNHCR is currently carrying out a 2019 participatory assessment that will be published once finalized.

UN Briefing Note on pensions for IDPs and persons living in the areas not controlled by the Government in the east of Ukraine

  • This is a joint United Nations briefing note to support advocacy in favour of access to pensions for IDPs and persons living in non-government controlled areas.

UN Briefing Note on freedom of movement across the ‘contact line’ in eastern Ukraine

  • This is a joint United Nations briefing note to support advocacy in favour of freedom of movement for civilians who cross the ‘contact line’ in eastern Ukraine.

UN Briefing Note on Birth Registration for children born in non-government controlled areas

  • This is a joint United Nations briefing note to support advocacy in favour of facilitating birth registration of children
    born in non-government controlled areas of eastern Ukraine.

Protection Cluster Guidance Note: Peacebuilding And Reconciliation In Ukraine

  • Prepared by the Protection Cluster, this document provides practical guidance on how peacebuilding and reconciliation can be operationalized in humanitarian response, including examples from other contexts, as well as key recommendations.

Protection Cluster Guidance Note on Prioritizing People with Specific Needs

  • Prepared by the Protection Cluster, this document provides guidance for humanitarian and development actors on how to address protection risks and socio-economic vulnerabilities in their work, and highlights aspects to consider in operations to ensure a protection focused response in Ukraine.

Protection Cluster Advocacy Note on Mine Action – March 2019

  • Prepared by the Protection Cluster, this document supports advocacy efforts in favour of adopting mine action legislation in Ukraine that will facilitate the process of demining.

Protection Cluster Advocacy Note on Voting Rights of IDPs – February 2019

  • Prepared by the Protection Cluster, this document supports advocacy efforts in favour of internally displaced persons’ access to their voting rights in Ukraine.

Protection Cluster Guidance Note: Protection for Development Actors – July 2018

  • Prepared by the Protection Cluster, this document provides guidance for humanitarian and development actors on how to address protection risks and socio-economic vulnerabilities in their work.

Thematic information on UNHCR Ukraine’s activities:

UNHCR’s Cooperation with Ukraine Authorities – November 2018

  • UNHCR has been working in Ukraine since 1994 and has been supporting different Ukrainian government partners in improving the protection and humanitarian assistance to refugees, asylum-seekers, stateless, internally displaced and conflict affected persons in Ukraine. This document explores UNHCR’s partnerships with its main government partners.

UNHCR Ukraine Support at Checkpoints – November 2018

  • UNHCR supports the entry-exit checkpoints (EECPs) along the government-controlled side of the ‘contact line’ in order to ease the freedom of movement and improve the conditions for people who cross. This document explains the support that UNHCR has provided at the EECPs.

UNHCR Ukraine IPA Update 2018 

  • As part of its wider protection response, UNHCR provides Individual Protection Assistance (IPA) to the most
    vulnerable among the displaced and other conflict affected persons in east Ukraine. This document explains how we select beneficiaries as well as the protection impacts of this activity.

UNHCR Ukraine Winterization Update 2018/2019

  • Depending on available funding and needs, UNHCR provides winterization assistance in eastern Ukraine on both sides of the ‘contact line’. This document shares the achievements of UNHCR’s recent winterization programme in east Ukraine.

UNHCR Ukraine – GIZ QIP prospectus 2017

  • During 2017, UNHCR implemented 24 GIZ-funded Quick Impact Projects (QIPs) in the government-controlled areas of eastern Ukraine. The projects were funded under the auspices of GIZ’s initiative strengthening social infrastructure for the absorption of internally displaced persons.

UNHCR Support to Community Centres – Evaluation Report 2018

  • UNHCR Ukraine supported 86 communities to establish sustainable Community Centres in an effort to promote protection and durable solutions for internally displaced persons from 2015 to 2017. This report contains a review of these Community Centres and compiles good practices, lessons learned and recommendations for UNHCR’s future engagement in sustainable Community Centre programmes in Ukraine.

Online Maps and Dashboards:

UNHCR Ukraine Presence and partners map – January 2019

UNHCR Ukraine Presence and Coverage Map – January 2019

UNHCR Ukraine Coverage – Online Map – 2019

UNHCR Ukraine Shelter/NFIs Achievements – Online Dashboard – 2018

UNHCR Ukraine/R2P Eastern Ukraine Checkpoint Monitoring – Online Dashboard – 2018

UNHCR Ukraine/R2P Eastern Ukraine Checkpoint Monitoring – Online Dashboard – 2019

Checkpoints Monthly Crossings – Online Dashboard

Registration of Internal Displacement in Ukraine – Online Dashboard

Ukraine Settlements names and P-codes – Online Map

Protection Cluster Legal Aid Directory – Online Map

Protection Cluster 5W – 2019 – Online Dashboard

Protection Cluster Mine Risk Education – Online Dashboard

UNHCR and NGO The Right to Protection (R2P)’s ‘Crossing the Line of Contact’ Monitoring Reports:

UNHCR/R2P Monitoring Report. Crossing the Line of Contact. – July_ 2018

UNHCR/R2P Monitoring Report. Crossing the Line of Contact. – August 2018

UNHCR/R2P Monitoring Report. Crossing the Line of Contact. – September 2018

UNHCR/R2P Monitoring Report. Crossing the Line of Contact. – October 2018

UNHCR/R2P Monitoring Report. Crossing the Line of Contact. – November 2018

UNHCR/R2P Monitoring Report. Crossing the Line of Contact.– January-June 2018

UNHCR/R2P Monitoring Report. Crossing the Line of Contact.– February-December 2018

UNHCR/R2P Monitoring Report. Crossing the Line of Contact.– January 2019

UNHCR/R2P Monitoring Report. Crossing the Line of Contact.– February 2019

UNHCR/R2P Monitoring Report. Crossing the Contact Line. – January – March 2019

UNHCR/R2P Monitoring Report. Crossing the Contact Line. – April 2019

Humanitarian-Development Nexus Activities:

Area Based Initiative Concept Note “Community Resilience, Livelihoods and Health for Recovery and Peace in Conflict-Affected Areas of Donetsk Oblast”

Protection Cluster Documents:

Protection Cluster Factsheet – February 2019

  • The Protection Cluster Fact Sheet is a two page document that contains general information on recent protection information collected by Protection Cluster Partners in Ukraine. Please note that you can search for Protection Cluster Fact Sheets from previous months on the Humanitarian Response Portal for the Protection Cluster in Ukraine.

Report of Global Protection Cluster Roundtable on Internal Displacement in Peace Agreements and Peace Processes

  • Please find attached the report of the Global Protection Cluster Thematic Roundtable on Internal Displacement in Peace Agreements and Peace Processes, that took place in Kyiv, Ukraine in 2018.

Assessments, surveys and analysis:

UNHCR Evaluation Report on State Youth Fund’s 50/50 Affordable Housing Programme for IDPs – January 2019

UNHCR/GFK Desk Research of the Surveys of IDPs

Miscellaneous Resources:

UN Guiding Principles on Internal Displacement

Free legal aid to refugees and persons in need of subsidiary or temporary protection (also available in ArabicFarsi and Russian)

1951 Refugee Convention

The Global Compact on Refugees, UNHCR’s Quick Guide