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Didzis Melbiksis Retweeted
I got a chance to teach these Rohingya refugee boys a small bit of English. All they knew how to say was 'bye!' There are over 460,000 refugee kids here. They lost and suffered so much but they have their joy
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Didzis Melbiksis Retweeted
I've always been a Ben Stiller fan, so very happy that
@RedHourBen is now a UNHCR Goodwill Ambassador and a powerful voice for@refugees - in addition to making us
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Didzis Melbiksis Retweeted
Since the start of Almedalen, 55.747 people have been forced to flee their homes - and counting.. Twitter will use this info to make your timeline better. UndoUndo -
Latvija migrācijas jautājumos ir spējīga solidarizēties ar citām ES valstīm …
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Didzis Melbiksis Retweeted
Today you are invited to join a Facebook Live from Cox's Bazaar in Bangladesh, where
@UN and@WorldBank chiefs are seeking support for nearly one million Rohingya refugees. Post your question for@AntonioGuterres &@JimYongKim here
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Lietuva turpinās uzņemt bēgļus no Tuvajiem Austrumiem saskaņā ar Eiropas Savienības (ES) kvotu sistēmu, piektdien paziņojusi Lietuvas prezidente Daļa Grībauskaite. …
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Didzis Melbiksis Retweeted
This is a basic truth...anyone who is living in a place of war or famine can become a refugee...
#WithRefugees …Thanks. Twitter will use this info to make your timeline better. UndoUndo -
Didzis Melbiksis Retweeted
If you're a Swedish speaker, watch now the panel discussion about
#asylum processing in#Sweden as part of the political week in#Almedalen2018. Follow the discussion live here: …Thanks. Twitter will use this info to make your timeline better. UndoUndo -
Didzis Melbiksis Retweeted
Vad ser
@UNHCR_NE som viktigt för rättssäkert system? ”Man ska ha rätt att söka asyl i det land man kommer till & ärendet ska utredas individuellt. Där är Sv bra - men det finns såklart andra saker som kan bli bättre” -Åsa C. Hemingway, senior jur. rå Twitter will use this info to make your timeline better. UndoUndo -
Didzis Melbiksis Retweeted
Have spent a few days in & around Catania, Italy, meeting with refugees and hearing their stories. As always, I am in awe of their strength & resilience in the face of unimaginable adversity.
@refugees#WithRefugees Photos Twitter will use this info to make your timeline better. UndoUndo -
Bēgļa statusu piešķir, izskatot katru iesniegumu atsevišķi - pamatojoties uz Patvēruma likumu. Tādu statusu nepiešķir cilvēkiem, kuri vienkārši meklē pārtikušu dzīvi. Arī ar karu bēgļa statusam nav tiešas un automātiskas saistības. …
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Didzis Melbiksis Retweeted
Sverige tar idag över ordförandeposten i FN:s säkerhetsråd. Detta, i en värld där fler människor än någonsin är i nöd och drivs på flykt. Vi arbetar för att lösa dagens konflikter och förhindra morgondagens: genom att stärka kvinnors röst, stå upp för folkrätten och barns skydd.
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Didzis Melbiksis Retweeted
@JimYongKim & Secretary-General@antonioguterres, on a joint visit to Bangladesh, make the case for the@WorldBank &@UN to work even closer together to address global challenges: climate change, migration, forced displacement, epidemics, Twitter will use this info to make your timeline better. UndoUndo -
Jordan army begins delivering aid to Syrians stranded near border …
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Didzis Melbiksis Retweeted
What are the rules of war, and why do they matter? A 2-minute
#mustread from@NPRGoatsandSoda. Twitter will use this info to make your timeline better. UndoUndo -
Analys: Om Sverige kan – borde inte USA också det? (via
@omni_red) Twitter will use this info to make your timeline better. UndoUndo -
Didzis Melbiksis Retweeted
Did you know that
@coursera offers free access to their entire catalog of courses for refugees who want to learn? A very cool initiative that has already reached 11.000 refugees. Read more here: …Thanks. Twitter will use this info to make your timeline better. UndoUndo -
Didzis Melbiksis Retweeted
“It’s an invented crisis. The high flows of the last years have bolstered nationalist parties, who are now creating a crisis of their own in order to score cheap political points.” - Matteo Villa Must-read perspective by
@PatrickKingsley …Thanks. Twitter will use this info to make your timeline better. UndoUndo -
Didzis Melbiksis Retweeted
#BREAKING EU President Tusk says 'far too early to talk about a success' over migrant this threadThanks. Twitter will use this info to make your timeline better. UndoUndo -
Didzis Melbiksis Retweeted
It is not enough to have political agreements between States when people continue to drown in the Mediterranean. Rescue at sea, disembarkation and safe pathways must all be urgently improved so that lives can be saved. …
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