
More than 1.5 million Congolese lose homes in conflict

Displaced by ongoing attacks in conflict zones such as the DRC's Ituri and North Kivu provinces, many families now live in makeshift shelters or temporary accommodation.

14 Dec 2018

Escalating violence uproots farmers and herders in Niger

Forced to abandon their homes, farms and livestock, over 50,000 people have been displaced by insecurity in the border regions of west Niger.

13 Dec 2018

Vienna learns the benefit of giving warm welcome to refugees

Informed by decades of hosting refugees, Austria's capital has enlisted the help of locals and refugees alike in schemes to integrate new arrivals to the city.

12 Dec 2018

Syrian refugee aid plan launched as births in exile hit 1 million

UN agencies and NGOs publish US$5.5 bln plan to help refugees and host countries in 2019-2020, as number of Syrian children born as refugees reaches one million.

11 Dec 2018

Refugee talents on show in Kenya contest

Music, dance and comedy among skills showcased at popular Kakuma Got Talent competition.

10 Dec 2018

UNHCR welcomes global mayors' commitment to refugees

UN refugee chief Filippo Grandi applauds declaration by the Global Mayoral Forum in Marrakech committing to support refugees.

9 Dec 2018

As medical costs rise, Syrian refugees put health at risk

Steep rise in health costs for refugees in Jordan has led Syrians such as 24-year-old Walaa to skip essential check-ups, putting their lives in danger.

7 Dec 2018

TEDx event shines light on refugee women and empowerment

Among 11 speakers at TEDxPlaceDesNationsWomen, a Syrian refugee and a statelessness activist highlight the need for opportunities.

6 Dec 2018

'Gender-based violence never got enough attention'

UNHCR has more than 11,500 staff, most based in the field. Meet ethics officer Keiko Odashiro, who protects refugees from sexual exploitation and abuse.

4 Dec 2018