
Yazidi doctor brings former ISIS captives' souls back to life

Having treated more than a thousand Yazidi women who escaped captivity, gynaecologist dedicates herself to helping them rebuild their shattered lives.

16 Jan 2019

Syrian refugee makes an impression at Croatian printer

Anass is one of several refugees using his skills at Croatia's oldest printing company.

14 Jan 2019

Storm flooding brings misery to Syrian refugees in Lebanon

One dead and more than 11,000 affected by days of heavy rain and high winds from Storm Norma, with hundreds of refugees forced to abandon their homes.

11 Jan 2019

Fighting water scarcity in Cox's Bazar refugee camps

Minhaj Uddin Ahmed explains how UNHCR has stepped up efforts in Bangladesh to address the massive water and sanitation needs of Rohingya refugees and their hosts.

4 Jan 2019

Thousands of asylum-seekers moved off Greek islands

As winter bites, UNHCR helps the Greek government move vulnerable asylum-seekers from reception centres on the Aegean Islands to shelter on the mainland.

27 Dec 2018

Kigali sees economic sense in helping refugee entrepreneurs

Support scheme in Rwandan capital and elsewhere sees refugee businesses including Burundian-owned LPG store create 2,600 new jobs countrywide.

27 Dec 2018

Joy to behold: Deaf children's choir warms hearts at Christmas

In Lebanon, children's choir featuring deaf Syrian refugees and locals and a 160-strong ensemble including refugee performers help to spread some seasonal cheer.

24 Dec 2018

Syrian refugee baker rises to the challenge in Germany

A bakery owner transforms lives by offering training and employment opportunities to refugees and asylum-seekers.

21 Dec 2018

Refugee and immigrant girls from 19 countries unite their voices in one choir

Pihcintu is more than a choir – it has been a second family for over 300 girls and young women who found safety in the United States.

21 Dec 2018