
Supporting Rohingya refugees and their hosts in Bangladesh

The UN is seeking US$920 million to meet the needs of more than 900,000 refugees from Myanmar and 330,000 vulnerable residents in Bangladesh host communities.

15 Feb 2019

Learning is a welcome respite for child refugees on Kos

The KEDU school offers classes, museum trips and a sense of normalcy to young asylum-seekers on Greek island.

14 Feb 2019

Yemeni restaurant wins over Korean palates and hearts

Diner staffed by Yemeni chefs and waiters on South Korea's Jeju Island brings refugees and their hosts together over food.

13 Feb 2019

UNHCR chief praises Ethiopia's innovative approach to refugees

Filippo Grandi visits groundbreaking projects that improve the lives of refugees and their host communities.

13 Feb 2019

Nigerian refugees struggle in aftermath of Boko Haram attacks

UNHCR calls for urgent support for more than 35,000 people who fled a surge in militant attacks, and now face acute needs in Cameroon's remote desert north.

11 Feb 2019

UNHCR Chief calls for more international support for Tanzania

Concluding a four-day visit to the East African nation, Filippo Grandi urges greater investment for north-west regions hosting 330,000 refugees.

8 Feb 2019

Angelina Jolie urges end to injustices that have driven nearly one million Rohingya into exile in Bangladesh

Visiting the world's largest refugee settlement, UNHCR's Special Envoy heard testimonies from Rohingya refugees and called for expanded access to education for Rohingya children.

7 Feb 2019

Once his only option, running is now Somali refugee's passion

Inspired by Olympic champion Mo Farah, Guled joined a running club in his adopted Cairo and began chasing his dreams.

5 Feb 2019

Resettlement a final hope for quadriplegic Syrian siblings

Seeking solutions for the most vulnerable, resettlement would offer refugees Wafika and Taha level of care not available to them in Egypt while freeing up resources for others in need

1 Feb 2019