Credibility Assesment in EU Asylum Systems


Barry Magee, Chairperson of the RAT, presenting on 'the newly constituted Tribunal and preparing for the new second instance procedure'  © UNHCR

In May, UNHCR published an extensive report, ‘Beyond Proof’, which focused on credibility assessment in EU asylum systems (CREDO). Judgment on credibility is intrinsic to refugee status determination and one of the most complex areas of refugee law.

On December 5th, UNHCR held the Irish launch of 'CREDO' in the European Parliament building on Molesworth Street, Dublin. With guest speakers that included, Fadela Novak-Irons, UNHCR Policy Officer for Europe and one of the reports authors, and Jane Herlihy, Executive Director, Centre for the Study of Emotion & Law (CSEL), the conference provided a unique opportunity to explore this challenging area comprehensively.

UNHCR was also delighted that David Costello, Refugee Applications Commisioner and Barry Magee, Chairman of the Refugee Appeals Truibunal, as well as the Irish Refugee Council's Nick Henderson, were available to present on the topic.

To see the full agenda for the conference, please click here