Somali teenager sets her hopes high for the future

A photography project has given 14-year-old Manaal the confidence to set her hopes high for the future.

17 Jan 2018

From refugee to friend: hosting refugees a 'win-win' for some in UK

A series of photos by Aubrey Wade, backed by UNHCR, highlights how UK households have discovered that offering a room to a refugee can benefit both parties.

16 Jan 2018

Refugee children in Europe dream big in UNHCR project

The Dream Diaries visualizes the stories of children who have fled their homes for a new life in Europe.

10 Jan 2018

Sorrow stalks Iraqi Christians in Lebanon

Families like the Yousifs, who fled persecution near Mosul, struggle with life in exile.

10 Jan 2018

Hungarian elderly help refugees find new purpose

In caring for others, refugees leave traumas behind and gain new friends in 'sceptical' Hungary.

3 Jan 2018

Groundbreaking first evacuation of 162 vulnerable refugees from Libya to Italy

First evacuation flight organized by UNHCR and Italian authorities lands at Rome's Pratica di Mare military airport.

23 Dec 2017

More speed needed to help refugees stranded in Greek islands

UNHCR moves a dozen families from soggy tents at Lesvos reception centre to hotels, but transfers to the mainland need to speed up as conditions deteriorate.

22 Dec 2017

In Kenya, UN refugee chief urges support for Somali refugees and host communities

Filippo Grandi expresses his gratitude to Kenya for hosting almost half a million refugees and keeping its borders open to people fleeing war.

21 Dec 2017

Somali asylum seeker volunteers in local German fire brigade

Yusuf puts experience gained from two conflicts to good use as a volunteer firefighter in Fürstenwalde.

20 Dec 2017