High Commissioner's Dialogue on Protection Challenges, 2010
Protection Gaps and Responses
The event was held in December 2011 and was the culmination of a series of events that marked the 60th anniversary of the UN Refugee Convention and the 50th anniversary of the Convention on the Reduction of Statelessness.
Invitations to take part in the Dialogue were extended to member states of UNHCR's Executive Committee and observers to its Standing Committee as well as to relevant partners in the United Nations system, inter-governmental and non-governmental organizations, academics, experts and other stakeholders.
The High Commissioner delivered a summary of the discussions and proposed elements for follow up deriving from them.
High Commissioner's Closing Remarks
Delivered to the 2010 Dialogue on Protection Gaps and Responses.
Discussions and Outcomes
2010 Dialogue Documentation
A collection of documents for the High Commissioner's Dialogue on the theme "Protection Gaps and Responses".
Side Event: Climate Change and Displacement
Moderated by Volker Türk, Director, Division of International Protection, UNHCR.
Also available in French.