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Winter Storms in Lebanon

Winter storms threaten the lives of Syrian refugees

Over 70,000 people remain at risk


HK$160 per month could provide winter fuel for 5 families to heat their shelter

HK$400 per month could provide 30 fleece blankets in a year

HK$600 per month can provide cooking utensils for 28 families


Around UNHCR


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Forced displacement worldwide at its highest in decades

In its annual Global Trends report, UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency said 68.5 million people were displaced as of the end of 2017. Among them were 16.2 million people who became displaced during 2017 itself, either for the first time or repeatedly.

Refugee speakers steal show at historic TEDx event

Tens of thousands tune in to first ever TEDx in a refugee camp.

See where you donations are spent

The Executive Committee of UNHCR studies and approves the agency’s global budget, making very careful decisions in allocating financial resources (funds) to different operations across the world according to priority of needs.

Yao Chen appeals for better access to basic education for refugee children

Yao Chen said, “The world cannot afford to fail the new generation of displaced children who have great potential be become successful individuals and play contractive role for peace building in the world.”

Technology turns aspiring architect’s dreams into virtual reality

Teenager Mohammed Kteish dreamt of becoming an architect as he was growing up in the Syrian city of Aleppo.Now those dreams have become a virtual reality project called “Future Aleppo”.