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Swedish unearmarked funds save refugees worldwide

Contributions to UNHCR

Sweden is one of UNHCR’s most important strategic partners and donors. In 2017, Sweden was UNHCR’s third largest contributor per capita with a total contribution of SEK 1.02 billion (USD 112 million), of which SEK 700 million (USD 76.1 million) was unearmarked core support, making Sweden UNHCR´s largest donor of unearmarked contributions with 70 % of the funding being unrestricted. For 2018 Sweden has contributed with the highest ever unearmarked contribution of SEK 820 million (USD 98.2 million). Unrestricted support enables UNHCR to deliver aid quickly in several ongoing acute emergencies saving many lives and restoring hope to people and families who have been forcibly uprooted from their homes.

In 2017, Sweden donated to all refugee crises, including large support to the Syria crisis, the Iraq crisis, the Myanmar crisis, the Yemen crisis and all emergency operations in Africa. Sweden also allocated funds to the protracted displacement situations and the so called ‘forgotten’ crises which are not any longer attracting any mayor donor interest with focus on both refugees and internally displaced persons.

Sweden has a strategic gender focus and earmarks thematically to respond and prevent sexual and gender based violence (SGBV). Sweden is a strong supporter of the Global Compact on Refugees, providing additional development funding to ensure inclusion of refugees in national development plans. Sweden has made a commitment to support, finance and identify solutions to the Syria crisis through its Regional Strategy for the Syria Crisis (2016-2020).

Sweden’s thematic focus: Sexual and gender based violence (SGBV)

Read more on how Sweden empowers refugee women and girls


Sweden signs record high USD 400 million funding agreement with UNHCR

The Government of Sweden marked this year’s World Refugee Day the 26th of June with a historic and record high multi-year, core contribution agreement with UNHCR. The agreement, worth SEK 3.5 billion, or approximately USD 400 million, covers the four-year period from 2018 to 2021.

Sweden’s unearmarked core support to UNHCR saves refugees’ lives

Sweden is one of UNHCR’s most important donors and the largest donor of unearmarked funds which UNHCR can use where the needs are the greatest. Sweden donates its unearmarked support as a core contribution at the beginning of each year and in 2016 Sweden has increased its unearmarked support to a record high SEK 815 million which has saved lives and created durable solutions for many people forced to flee.

Sweden Boosts Funding for UNHCR Appeals

UNHCR received a significant donation of SEK 15.2 million from the Government of Sweden. Swedish support to UNHCR assists in improving conditions in major refugee and displacement crises.


Donor Government Counterparts

The Ministry for Foreign Affairs is UNHCR’s Government counterpart on matters related to strategic cooperation and funding.

To the website

Read about the High Commissioner’s 2016 visit to Sweden.

Joint Op-Ed with the UN High Commissioner for Refugees and the Swedish Minister of Development (Svenska) (English)

The Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency – SIDA is a government agency implementing Sweden’s development policy.

To the website

Read more about SIDA and World Refugee Day 2016.