Storm flooding brings misery to Syrian refugees in Lebanon

One dead and more than 11,000 affected by days of heavy rain and high winds from Storm Norma, with hundreds of refugees forced to abandon their homes.

11 Jan 2019

Fighting water scarcity in Cox's Bazar refugee camps

Minhaj Uddin Ahmed explains how UNHCR has stepped up efforts in Bangladesh to address the massive water and sanitation needs of Rohingya refugees and their hosts.

4 Jan 2019

Thousands of asylum-seekers moved off Greek islands

As winter bites, UNHCR helps the Greek government move vulnerable asylum-seekers from reception centres on the Aegean Islands to shelter on the mainland.

27 Dec 2018

Global cities take the lead in welcoming refugees

Civic leaders attending a key meeting in Geneva set out the positive contributions that refugees are making to cities worldwide.

19 Dec 2018

UN refugee chief welcomes cities' support for refugees

At a key meeting in Geneva, Filippo Grandi welcomed the role of cities in leading the shift towards a more open and inclusive approach to refugees.

18 Dec 2018

States reach historic deal for refugees and commit to more effective, fairer response

UN General Assembly agrees on an innovative global framework to better serve the forcibly displaced and their host communities.

17 Dec 2018

More than 1.5 million Congolese lose homes in conflict

Displaced by ongoing attacks in conflict zones such as the DRC's Ituri and North Kivu provinces, many families now live in makeshift shelters or temporary accommodation.

14 Dec 2018

Escalating violence uproots farmers and herders in Niger

Forced to abandon their homes, farms and livestock, over 50,000 people have been displaced by insecurity in the border regions of west Niger.

13 Dec 2018

Syrian refugee aid plan launched as births in exile hit 1 million

UN agencies and NGOs publish US$5.5 bln plan to help refugees and host countries in 2019-2020, as number of Syrian children born as refugees reaches one million.

11 Dec 2018