Aid convoy offers brief respite for Syrians at Jordan border

Joint UN-Syrian Red Crescent operation brings aid to 50,000 Syrians trapped in dire conditions, as UNHCR calls for full access until lasting solution found.

6 Nov 2018

UN Refugee Chief urges states to support fairer response to refugee crises

At UN General Assembly, Filippo Grandi called on member states to get behind a new global compact on refugees.

31 Oct 2018

Tents bring Indonesia quake survivors out of the rain

UNHCR delivery gives shelter to some 10,000 children, women and men who lost homes when a devastating earthquake and tsunami struck Sulawesi last month.

29 Oct 2018

UNHCR cash provides lifeline for Yemeni war displaced

Distribution of US$33 million so far this year is helping 150,000 people pay for food, shelter and medicine.

26 Oct 2018

Lone children among most vulnerable in human 'caravan'

UNHCR is providing shelter, food and other assistance to Honduran refugees and migrants in Guatemala and southern Mexico.

24 Oct 2018

Angelina Jolie calls for more international support for Venezuelan refugees in Peru

The UNHCR Special Envoy visits Peru to assess the humanitarian needs of Venezuelan refugees and their hosts.

23 Oct 2018

Airlift delivers shelter for Indonesia quake survivors

UNHCR flies tents to Balikpapan for distribution to survivors of the devastating earthquake and tsunami that left 80,000 out of their homes.

19 Oct 2018

UNHCR chief calls for regional response to Venezuelan refugee and migrant crisis

At the end of his mission to assess the regional impact of Venezuelans leaving their country, Filippo Grandi commits to more cooperation with host governments.

16 Oct 2018

Temporary residency permits a lifeline for Venezuelans in Peru

During a visit to Peru following the flows of Venezuelan refugees and migrants, UNHCR chief says ensuring legal pathways to stay should be a regional priority.

12 Oct 2018