UNHCR welcomes global mayors' commitment to refugees

UN refugee chief Filippo Grandi applauds declaration by the Global Mayoral Forum in Marrakech committing to support refugees.

9 Dec 2018

TEDx event shines light on refugee women and empowerment

Among 11 speakers at TEDxPlaceDesNationsWomen, a Syrian refugee and a statelessness activist highlight the need for opportunities.

6 Dec 2018

Afghan women can become agents of change

Rula Ghani, the First Lady of Afghanistan, says Afghan women are resilient and should be in leadership positions in her country.

27 Nov 2018

Finding solutions to Afghan displacement key to the future, Grandi says

UN refugee chief tells high-level panel at the Geneva Conference on Afghanistan the search for solutions to displacement 'must be intensified.'

27 Nov 2018

UNHCR flight evacuates 132 refugees from Libya detention

Latest evacuation of vulnerable refugees from Libyan detention centres to Niger for onward solutions brings total helped in past year to almost 2,500.

23 Nov 2018

Bottled gas scheme eases fuel crisis for Rohingya refugees

A move from firewood to liquefied petroleum gas for cooking benefits health, eases pressure on the environment and avoids hazardous trips into the forest.

23 Nov 2018

Refugees help French town to victory in cricket tournament

A French cricket team, which includes refugees and asylum-seekers, has won an international championship in France.

14 Nov 2018

Film changes the life of Syrian refugee boy and his family

Discovered by film director Nadine Labaki in the streets of Beirut, Zain Al Rafeaa and his family find new beginning in Norway.

8 Nov 2018

Central American refugees and migrants reach Mexico City

Children, pregnant women, LGBTI and elderly people are among those identified by UNHCR as in need of international protection.

7 Nov 2018