
Child sexual violence survivor faces bleak future in Niger

After escaping forced marriage in Boko Haram captivity, 15-year-old Adia* is among many women and girls who resort to survival sex to get by.

25 Nov 2018

UNHCR flight evacuates 132 refugees from Libya detention

Latest evacuation of vulnerable refugees from Libyan detention centres to Niger for onward solutions brings total helped in past year to almost 2,500.

23 Nov 2018

Bottled gas scheme eases fuel crisis for Rohingya refugees

A move from firewood to liquefied petroleum gas for cooking benefits health, eases pressure on the environment and avoids hazardous trips into the forest.

23 Nov 2018

Syrian refugee women empower themselves through Greek play

A theatre workshop in Beirut opened a safe space for 35 Syrian women to reflect on their experiences and build their self-confidence.

21 Nov 2018

Striving to protect vulnerable Venezuelan children

Venezuelan children reaching Colombia are often susceptible to assault and are frequently underweight.

20 Nov 2018

New clinic and schools save lives and build futures in Zambia

Refugees and their hosts are sharing services as part of a new approach in Zambia.

19 Nov 2018

MIT workshop teaches refugee children joys of digital design

Teenaged asylum-seekers in Athens are hooked on classes that show them how to use technology to express their creativity.

16 Nov 2018

Venezuelan asylum-seekers strengthen Brazil's workforce

An innovative voluntary relocation programme helps Venezuelans and their hosts thrive in cities like São Paulo and Brasilia.

16 Nov 2018

Refugees help French town to victory in cricket tournament

A French cricket team, which includes refugees and asylum-seekers, has won an international championship in France.

14 Nov 2018