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Launch of World Urbanization Prospects: The 2018 Revision

The 2018 Revision, launched on 16 May, provides updated and comprehensive estimates and projections of the urban and rural populations of all countries and of major urban agglomerations.
Data  |  Press Briefing  EGM WebCast Live  |  Director's Statement Director's Statement  |  Facebook Interview with the Director  EGM WebCast Live

51st Session Commission on Population and Development

New York, 9-13 April 2018 - Sustainable cities, human mobility and international migration

International Migration Report 2017 (Highlights)

The 2017 report analyzes levels and trends in international migration, discusses the contribution of net migration to overall population change and presents updated information on the status of ratification of relevant international instruments.

Household Size and Composition Around the World 2017: Data Booklet

A new data booklet presenting household size and household composition for 199 countries or areas circa 2010 or most recent available data


Inside Population

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ICPD Conference

The '94 conference on Population and Development.

Employment Opportunities

Employment and consultancy opportunities in the Population Division.

False Offers of Employment

False offers of employment are circulating on the Internet.