UNHCR Canada

Donate today to help millions of refugees who need life-saving care.

Donate Today

Thousands of refugee families are fleeing escalating violence in Democratic Republic of the Congo. 

You can give them the aid they need to survive.

Over 4 million people are internally displaced inside the Democratic Republic of the Congo and over 600,000 more have fled to 12 other African countries. Bampendi and his six-year-old twin sisters, Mbuyi and Kanku, were orphaned when their mother was killed. Their father is still missing. Like many others, the three children were forced to flee their home. They are now alone, living in orphanage Kananga, Kasai Central Province where over 750,000 people have been internally displaced. They need somebody to care for them.

Your help is needed to protect all the refugee children, women and men who are struggling to survive right now in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

Please, give generously with a 100% tax-deductible donation to UNHCR today. Refugee families can’t wait much longer.