Notice of fraudulent job postings

UNHCR Canada is aware of false job postings and occasionally job offers being circulated via email or originating from online job boards. Many of these fictitious postings contain an alleged job posting or job offer with UNHCR Canada in return for the payment of fees or providing personal or banking information. These fictitious job postings may contain a UNHCR Canada logo, appear to originate from an official email address or sent by individuals claiming to represent UNHCR Canada.

Please note that UNHCR Canada does not charge a fee at any stage of the recruitment process. UNHCR Canada will never ask for personal banking details, credit card information or personal financial details during the recruitment process.

UNHCR Canada only posts job opportunities on its Careers page, as well as established media, newspapers and online job boards.

Never divulge personal and banking information or send money if you are unsure of the authenticity of an email or other communication in the name of UNHCR. If you are ever in doubt about the validity of a job posting for UNHCR Canada, please contact us at

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