Gay Refugee from Central America Finds Safety in Canada
Marco, a gay refugee from Honduras, finds safety in Canada after fleeing from violence in his home country and in Mexico.
Marco, a gay refugee from Honduras, finds safety in Canada after fleeing from violence in his home country and in Mexico.
Para aumentar la visibilidad de la crisis del norte de Centroamérica, ACNUR, la Agencia de la ONU para los Refugiados, está dando la bienvenida a representantes gubernamentales y activistas de derechos humanos de la región, del 18 al 20 de junio, para compartir información de primera mano con la población canadiense.
To raise the visibility of the displacement crisis facing the North of Central America, UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, is welcoming government representatives and human rights activists from the region on 18-20 June, to share first-hand information with Canadians.
A cab driver in his native Honduras, Armando* had to cross a patchwork of street gang territories each working day, fearing for his life.