UNHCR Canada

Donate today to help millions of refugees who need life-saving care.

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Your support is urgently needed to assist Rohingya children, women and men in Bangladesh

Over 738,000 Rohingya children, women and men have been forced to escape violence in Myanmar by fleeing to Bangladesh. 

They have walked for days through jungles and mountains, or braved dangerous sea voyages across the Bay of Bengal. As they arrive exhausted, hungry, sick and in need of protection, UNHCR has been on the ground in Bangladesh leading the emergency response efforts by distributing urgently-needed supplies such as tents, blankets, sleeping mats and solar lamps.

They are also increasingly prone to health risks such as malaria and the spread of diarrheal diseases through the potential contamination of water.

Please make an emergency gift to provide life-saving aid like tents, tarpaulins, monsoon kits and water decontamination tablets.