The Syrian conflict has resulted in the biggest humanitarian crisis of our time.

It's been five years since the onset of the civil war in Syria and there is no end in sight. Today, there are four million Syrians who have been forced to leave their country, and it continues to grow.

Syrian families are struggling to pay for basic life essentials and urgently require your help. Your donation will help us provide a lifeline to Syrian families including essential emergency supplies such as food, shelter, blankets, water and healthcare.

Provide a family with a lifeline today. Every moment counts, please make your monthly donation today.


UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, is the world’s leading organization aiding and protecting people forced to flee their homes due to violence, conflict and persecution. Our committed staff of 7,750 work in more than 125 countries—providing shelter, food, water, medical care and other life-saving assistance to refugees around the world.

How your gift is spent

We pride ourselves on ensuring resources are used responsibly and efficiently to benefit displaced people around the world. That’s why we can send 86 cents of every one dollar you donate directly to uprooted families living in dire conditions, giving them hope for a brighter future.

If you have questions concerning your donation to the UN Refugee Agency, or if you experience difficulties while processing your donation on this site, please email us at or call our toll-free line, at 1-877-232-0909.

Under the Canadian Income Tax and Regulations Act (Section 110.1.(1)(a)(v) - Corporation donations / Section 118.1.(1) (e) - Individual donations) all donations made to United Nations agencies are tax deductible.

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