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Publications and reports

A Special Report on the rights of refugees, stateless persons launched in KazakhstanThe Special Report provides a comprehensive overview of the rights of oralmans, stateless persons, asylum-seekers and refugees, and also describes present policies of Kazakhstan toward those groups. In addition, a thorough assessment of the prevailing social and economic conditions is presented by the Report, along with specific recommendations designed to improve the situation of the target groups in accordance with generally accepted international human rights standards. The Report also draws much needed attention to areas including the necessity for improvement of the overall legal and administrative framework governing asylum, accession by the Republic of Kazakhstan to the two international Conventions on statelessness, and concrete joint actions to ameliorate the difficult circumstances presently faced by oralmans, stateless persons, asylum-seekers and refugees. To download the report in English, please follow the link.
03.07.2012 |
Leaving No One Behind at Birth
Leaving No One Behind at BirthEnding Statelessness in Central Asia
Ending Statelessness in Central AsiaWhat is Statelessness
What is StatelessnessUNHCR in Central Asia
UNHCR in Central AsiaProtection Training Manual for Central Asian Border and Entry Officials
The manual for Central Asian Border and Entry Officials was developed in the Russian language in the framework of a capacity building projectSpecial Report on Ending Statelessness within 10 years
The report provides picture of statelessness globally and UNHCR plans to end statelessness within next 10 years.»» A Special Report on the rights of refugees, stateless persons launched in Kazakhstan
On June 21 ,2012, Kazakhstan's Commission on Human Rights, under the President of the Republic, presented a Special Report "On the situation concerning the rights of oralmans, stateless persons and refugees in the Republic of Kazakhstan".