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UNHCR provided humanitarian assistance to earthquake affected population in Batken and Osh provinces, Kyrgyzstan
On 22 July in response to the request of the Kyrgyz Government, UNHCR provided 250 lightweight tents to people in Batken and Osh provinces affected by the earthquake. It is expected that more than 2,000 people will benefit from these tents.Kazakhstan Marks World Refugee Day
On 20 June countries around the world will observe the tenth World Refugee Day (WRD). This year, WRD coincides with the 60th anniversary of the UN Convention relating to the Status of Refugees and the 50th anniversary of the UN Convention on the Reduction of Statelessness. The theme of commemoration is "1 Refugee without Hope is Too Many".UNHCR Representative welcomes signing of the MoU in Kazakhstan
The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees in Kazakhstan (UNHCR) and the National Commission on Women Affairs, Family and Demographic Policy (NCWAFDP) under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, signed today a Memorandum of Understanding.UNHCR Roundtable is the first step of the Action Plan on Reducing and Preventing Statelessness
UNHCR conducted a Roundtable which is the first step of the UNHCR Action Plan on Reducing and Preventing StatelessnessTurkmenistan is the first country in Central Asia which became a Member of the UNHCR Executive Committee
On April 27, 2011 Turkmenistan was elected by ECOSOC (Economic and Social Council) as a new member of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) Executive Committee (ExCom).Technical assistance to the State Registration Service for improvement of services offered to population
Today the UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR) handed technical assistance to the Passport-Visa Registration Service and other units of the State Registration Service (SRS) such as archives and civil status registration offices (ZAGs).UNHCR conducted a peace building event in Cheremushki, Osh city
On 21 March, UNHCR held a Nooruz celebration in Cheremushki neighborhood of Osh city and Mady village, Kara-Suu district in cooperation with Osh city administration and local communities.UNHCR conducted a peace building event in Ala-Buka district, Jalal-Abad province
UNHCR initiated the given Nooruz event to bring together leaders of villages and promote reconciliation and peaceful coexistence of representatives of the two ethnic groupsUNHCR's protection chief calls for a balance between refugee protection national security and border control in Central Asia
Almaty, 15 March 2011 - UNHCR's protection chief Ms Erika Feller today appealed to Central Asian governments to strike a proper balance between refugee protection, national security and border control amidst rising concerns about population movements in the regionUNHCR provides technical assistance to improve security and rule of law
Today the UN Refugee Agency handed four Niva cars to representatives of the Ministry of Interior of Kyrgyzstan of Osh, Jalalabad and Batken provinces and Osh city.