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Building Trust, Building PeaceThe events in 2010 affected 400,000 people in Southern Kyrgyzstan. The majority of those displaced have since returned to their home areas. Today, the situation is calm, but peace remains fragile in the Ferghana Valley. Despite the efforts taken by the Government in cooperation with civil society and international organizations, outstanding issues related to the events still persist. Many immediate consequences of the conflict have been addressed and solved, but solving deep-rooted problems such as mistrust amongst different ethnic groups and the authorities requires continued efforts by all stakeholders. 22.04.2015 |
Leaving No One Behind at Birth
Ending Statelessness in Central Asia
UNHCR in Central Asia
UNHCR in Central AsiaStatelessness:Between Heaven and Earth
For the Central Asian countries, statelessness remains a challenge. However, "Central Asia represents a unique opportunity when it comes to the statelessness issue, because there is a great willingness among the governments in the region to solve these problem"– said Mr. Bernard Doyle, Regional Representative/Regional Coordinator for Central Asia.Border Management in Protection of Refugees and Migrants
Mixed migratory movements have always been a part of nomadic life in Central Asia. Historically, these movements appeared along with the trade routes in the region. People moved to and from the region before, during and after the Soviet period. The majority of migrants in Central Asia are driven by a search for better economic opportunities. However, conflicts, human rights abuses and natural disasters are also major causes of population movements.Self-Sustainable Initiatives Help Refugees Contribute to Economic Prosperity in their Host Countries
To support and increase self – sustainability of refugees in host countries, UNHCR and its partners implement different programs on self- sustainability»» Building Trust, Building Peace
UNHCR Kyrgyzstan is addressing the outstanding issues through participating in a peacebuilding project which aims to provide conditions for sustainable reintegration of those affected by the June events and, at the same time, prevent conflict and displacement in the future.Statelessness: Invisible in Central Asia
In Central Asia statelessness remains a significant issue. For 2014 it is estimated that there are about 30,000 stateless persons in the region.One refugee without education is too many
Ensuring access to education is one of the core components of UNHCR’s international protection and durable solutions mandate.