UNHCR Representation in the Kyrgyz Republic Basic Facts
Offices: Representation in Bishkek since December 1995
Programs: in Bishkek City, Chui, Osh, Jalal-Abad and Batken provinces
Population of concern: 1,616 persons
Refugees: 336
Refugee population by country of origin:
- Afghanistan: 225
- Syria: 77
- Ukraine: 23
- Others: 11
Asylum Seekers: 91
Stateless population: 1,189
2018 budget: USD 637,512 (requested)
Projects and partners:
- Protection of Refugees and Asylum Seekers: Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Interior, State Migration Service, State Border Service, Mandatory Health Insurance Fund and the Office of the Prosecutor General as well as the Institute of Ombudsman, Parliament, Supreme Court, Legal Clinic “Adilet” and the Centre for Support to International Protection;
- Reduction and Prevention of Statelessness: State Registration Service, Ministry of Justice, Citizenship Commission of the President’s office, UNICEF and Public Foundation “Fergana Valley Lawyers without Borders”;
- Emergency Preparedness: Ministry of Emergency Situation, UN Agencies, UN Country Team;
- SDGs: UN Country Team, UNICEF, Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
July 2018
External Fact Sheet for more information can be downloaded here.