Home > UNHCR in CA > Partners




  • Red Crescent Society is UNHCR's partner on social and healthcare issues and in the sphere of education. The detailed information can be found at: http://redcrescent.kz/

    Kazakhstan International Bureau or Human Rights and Rule of Law is UNHCR's partner on legal issues. The detailed information can be found at: http://www.bureau.kz/
  • The Legal Centre for Women's Initiatives "Sana Sezim" is UNHCR’s partner on legal issues related to statelessness in South Kazakhstan region. The detailed information can be found at: http://sanasezim.org/


  • Legal Clinic "Adilet"
  • Centre for Support to International Protection (CSIP)
  • Ferghana Valley Lawyers without Borders (FVLWB).


  • Local NGOs "Refugee Children and Vulnerable Citizens" (RCVC) in Dushanbe and "Consortium Initiative" (CI) in Khujand are UNHCR's Implementing Partners on social issues. More detailed information can be found at: mavjuda_rakhmanova@yahoo.com and dilorom-atabaeva@mail.ru.
  • Rights and Prosperity (R&P) is UNHCR's Implementing Partner on legal issues. More detailed information can be found at: Nadjiba@irpco-rp.tj


  • Public Organization "Keik Okara”
  • National Red Crescent Society of Turkmenistan