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Joint Ministerial Declaration

UNHCR welcomes signing of a Joint Ministerial Declaration to end protracted refugee saga in South-East Europe

Belgrade, 07 November 2011 - The ministers of foreign affairs of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Montenegro and Serbia today signed a Joint Ministerial Declaration, part of the regional effort to end the protracted refugee situation in South-East Europe. The Declaration illustrates a firm commitment of the four governments to end the refugee chapter and find comprehensive and durable solutions for refugees and others displaced.
The Joint Ministerial Declaration is a result of intensive work and fruitful cooperation by the four governments to resolve outstanding problems of refugees. The Declaration outlines the framework for addressing and resolving the most pressing issues, including ensuring adequate housing solutions for all refugees in collective centres and other vulnerable people, and facilitating the provision of civil documentation. The Governments have also developed a detailed work plan with precise timelines and price tags.
Today's signing of the Joint Declaration is a significant step towards the Donor Conference scheduled for early next year, where the four governments will present their Regional Programme to the donors and urge them to support it for one last time. Mr António Guterres, UN High Commissioner for Refugees, expressed UNHCR's full support to the governments in their effort to raise over EUR 500 million required for implementation of the 5-year plan.


The High Commissioner also invited the international community to provide political and financial support to this process.


The regional process has been closely followed and supported by the European Union, the US Government, OSCE and the Council of Europe.


UNHCR first opened the office in Belgrade in 1976 at the invitation of the government of the then SFRY. Since then it has helped refugees from the third countries, mounting a major relief operation in the early 90s for the refugees that emerged after the conflict in the region and shifting to durable solutions in the mid-90s. To date, UNHCR has invested more that USD 500 million in various assistance and durable solutions for refugees in Serbia.


