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Visit of Regional Representative to Tajikistan Marks a New Stage of CooperationDushanbe, 5 October 2011 - Mr. Saber Azam, UNHCR Regional Representative/Regional Coordinator for Central Asia visits Tajikistan from 3 -7 October 2011. It marks a new stage of fruitful cooperation with the Government of Tajikistan. In this year of commemorations for UNHCR, Mr. Azam's mission is aimed at strengthening further the relationship of UNHCR with the Tajik authorities and discussing new areas of cooperation. Within the framework of his visit, Mr. Azam met with Presidential Administration of the Republic of Tajikistan, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Minister of Interior, Chairperson of the State Committee on National Security, and numerous representatives of the diplomatic community in Dushanbe. During meetings with the Government, UNHCR Regional Representative/Regional Coordinator discussed issues related to protection of refugees and asylum seekers, emergency preparedness and response, prevention and reduction of statelessness as well as regional challenges. 2011 is a prominent year for UNHCR, marking 60th anniversary of the 1951 Convention related to the Status of Refugees and the 50th anniversary of the 1961 Convention on Reduction of Statelessness. It gives UNHCR an opportunity to advocate for compliance of national legislations with international standards and for solving legal, social and economic problems of persons of concern to the Agency. Currently there are over 43 million persons of concern to UNHCR (asylum seekers, refugees, internally displaced persons and stateless persons or those at risk of statelessness) world wide. Meaningful protection and assistance to these individuals constitute extraordinary challenge for governments. Mr. Azam assured the highest authorities of the Republic of Tajikistan of UNHCR's full commitment to assist the Government by all means to overcome such challenges. "I would like to express my gratitude to the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan for the very fruitful discussions. Tajikistan is one of the most important partners of UNHCR in Central Asia. We have an extra ordinary record of excellent cooperation since 1993 and as a result of my discussion, I am confident that such excellent spirit of cooperation and mutual understanding and respect will continue in the future. UNHCR is pleased to notice that the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan is committed to comply with international standards. We are ready to support the efforts of the authorities in all areas related to its mandate" - underlined Mr. Saber Azam, UNHCR Regional Representative/Regional Coordinator for Central Asia.
05.10.2011 |
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