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The 10th RHP Steering Committee meeting

26 June 2017.

The 10th RHP Steering Committee meeting was held in Belgrade on 26 June 2017. The UN Refugee Agency was represented by Ms Anne-Christine Eriksson, Regional Representative for South Eastern Europe. Ms Eriksson stated: “UNHCR commends the four Partner Countries on their continuous progress in the selection of the RHP beneficiaries, as the result of the well-established capacities at the regional and national levels, but also due to an excellent cooperation in the cross-border exchange of information on potential RHP beneficiaries.” UNHCR stands ready to support the Partner Countries in establishing quality standards and mechanisms for a process that would secure that RHP continues to reach the neediest, and that it does not only provide for a roof over their heads, but also provides the opportunity to move on with their lives in dignity and being fully integrated in their old, or new, communities”.