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UNHCR Representation in the Republic of Kazakhstan
Basic Facts

Offices: UNHCR National Office in Kazakhstan (in Astana)

Persons of Concern: 8,170

Refugees589 persons

  • Afghanistan: 548
  • Syria: 15
  • Uzbekistan: 14
  • China: 7
  • Others: 5

Asylum seekers192 persons

  • Afghanistan: 156
  • Syria: 23
  • China: 6
  • Others:7

Stateless persons:

  • 6,868 (officially registered by the Government of Kazakhstan)
  • 521 persons with undetermined nationality registered by UNHCR partners

Voluntary repatriation: From 2002 to Jun 2018, UNHCR assisted and facilitated the return of 170 refugees to their countries of origin.

Resettlement: From 2001 to Jun 2018, UNHCR Kazakhstan organized the resettlement to third countries of 702 refugees.

Projects and partners:

Assistance to refugees, asylum seekers and stateless:

Kazakhstan Red Crescent Society:

-          Social, medical, financial and education assistance to refugees and asylum seekers

Kazakhstan International Bureau for Human Right and Rule of Law:

-          Legal counselling and court representation for refugees and asylum-seekers and legal assistance to stateless persons

The Legal Centre for Women's Initiatives "Sana Sezim"

-          Legal assistance to stateless persons

External Fact Sheet for more information can be downloaded here

July 2018