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Support Unit

UNHCR and IOM perform the Support Unit functions through their current structures in Central Asia.

The Terms of Reference of the Support Unit:

  • Functions as the institutional memory of the Almaty Process, maintains the archives and manages the Almaty Process web portal, both in Russian and English.
  • Supports the Chairmanship in all organizational matters, including conferences/meetings/seminars, pertaining to its role;
  • Assists the Chair in the collection, translation and distribution of materials prior to conferences/meetings/seminars and prepares compilations of related materials for publication as a follow-up to the meetings;
  • Supports the Chair in ensuring effective information-sharing between participating States in order to promote synergies on the full-range of migration and refugee protection issues of concern to the Almaty Process countries;
  • As required by the Chair, analyse information and conduct research on asylum and migration issues;
  • Supports the Chair in monitoring media, developing regular joint information sheets and joint briefings and gathering information pertinent to the Almaty Process;
  • Assist the Chair in drafting project proposals to mobilize resources for implementation of activities contained in the action plan;
  • Supports the Chair in fostering links with related national and international programmes and Regional Consultative Processes on Migration.


UNHCR Regional Representation for Central Asia

Address: 67, Tole Bi Street, 05000 Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan

Tel: +7 727 258 4598

Fax: +7 727 258 3982

E-mail: kazal@unhcr.org

Website: http://www.unhcr.kz


IOM Coordination Office for Central Asia, Astana, KZ

Address: 6 Saryarka Av., 010000 Astana, Republic of Kazakhstan

Tel: +7 7 172 790345/46/47/48

Fax: +7 7172 790349

E-mail: iomastana@iom.int

Website: www.iom.kz, www.iom.int

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