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Almaty Process


Central Asia has a long history of complex population movements which includes both voluntary migration and forced displacement. Countries in the region are still grappling with some of the consequences of the movements that followed the dissolution of the Soviet Union and the establishment of the independent Central Asian States. The resulting instability, persistent inter-ethnic tensions and conflicts over resources - in particular in the densely populated Ferghana Valley - continue to trigger internal and cross-border movements within the region. Environmental degradation and high potential for natural disasters have been additional factors that affect movement within Central Asia. Countries in the region are also home to a considerable stateless population and to refugees, in particular from neighbouring Afghanistan.

The Almaty Process is a regional consultative process on refugee protection and international migration to, from and within Central Asia. The Almaty Process aims to address the multiple challenges resulting from mixed migration dynamics and enhance regional cooperation and coordination on mixed migration through the following objectives:

  • promote dialogue on the challenges of international migration and refugee protection;
  • develop mechanisms to monitor and address irregular migration;
  • foster a common understanding of causes and consequences of displacement and migration;
  • promote coherent, comprehensive and differentiated policies for persons on the move; and
  • develop project-based actions to enhance State capacity to manage migration and provide refugee protection.

Member States

Islamic Republic of Afghanistan, Republic of Azerbaijan, Republic of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyz Republic, Republic of Tajikistan, Republic of Turkey, Turkmenistan

Observer States

Islamic Republic of Iran, Islamic Republic of Pakistan

The Development of the Almaty Process

The Almaty Process was conceived in 2010 and operationalized in 2013 following a series of consultations and conferences

Chair of Almaty Process

The Republic of Kazakhstan was elected as the first Chair of the Almaty Process during the 5 June 2013 Ministerial Conference on Refugee Protection and International Migration: the Almaty Process

Support Unit

The Support Unit acts upon the directives of the Chair, and assists the Almaty Process achieve its objectives

Meetings and Documents

Information on Ministerial Conferences, Senior Officials Meetings and downloads of the outcome documents