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A Helping Hand

People who are forced to flee their homes and seek safety in another country, or a different part of their own country, invariably need help. Most refugees and internally displaced people leave their homes with little or nothing, and even those with some resources may soon exhaust them. UNHCR and its partners provide vital assistance, which takes many forms. Initially, we provide live-saving emergency assistance in the form of clean water and sanitation and health care as well as shelter materials and other relief items, such as blankets, sleeping mats, jerry cans, household goods and sometimes food. Other vital assistance that we provide, or help provide, includes refugee registration, assistance and advice on asylum applications, education and counselling. And UNHCR's assistance extends to people who return home - we arrange transport by air, sea and land and give returnees a leg up in the form of assistance packages. The agency is also involved in local integration or reintegration programmes, including income-generation projects, restoration of infrastructure and other assistance.

UNHCR i njegovi partneri obezbeđuju razne vidove vitalne pomoći. U početku pružamo interventnu, životno važnu pomoć u vidu čiste vode i higijenskih paketa, medicinske nege, građevinskog materijala ili artikala poput ćebadi, dušeka, kanti za vodu, pokućstva i ponekad, hrane. Drugi vidovi pomoći koju pružamo ili pri čijem pružanju pomažemo jesu registracija izbeglica, pomoć i savetovanje o zahtevima za azil, obrazovanje i pravno savetovanje. Pomoć UNHCRa se nastavlja i kada se ljudi vrate svojim domovima – organizujemo prevoz avionom, brodovima i autobusima i dajemo povratnicima pakete pomoći. Agencija takođe sprovodi programe lokalne integracije ili reintegracije, uključujući dohodovne projekte, obnovu infrastrukture, i druge vrste pomoći.