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Home Resources Press Releases Local government administration placement: UNHCR and UNDP: Advancing Social Inclusion and Employment of Roma in Serbia

Local government administration placement: UNHCR and UNDP: Advancing Social Inclusion and Employment of Roma in Serbia

29. 10. 2018.

Belgrade, 29 October 2018 – Representatives of local governments gathered in UN House today to discuss the "Institutional and Strategic Framework for the Promotion of Employment of Roma in the Republic of Serbia".  The Minister of Public Administration and Local Self-Government  Branko Ružić and State Secretary Zoran Lakićević, of the Coordination Body for monitoring the implementation of the 2016-2025 Strategy for Social Inclusion of Roma – opened the event. Joined by the Representatives of the UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR) and the UN Development Programme (UNDP) they appraised progress in the project "Local Initiatives for Social Inclusion of Roma in Serbia". "Local Initiatives for Social Inclusion of Roma in Serbia" was developed by UNHCR and has been implemented in cooperation with UNDP, UN Volunteers (UNV) and the Coordination Body in 24 local self-government bodies throughout Serbia since February this year. To promote the social inclusion of Roma in the municipalities of their residence 30 qualified Roma youth were trained inter alia in human rights, anti-discrimination, prevention of statelessness, rights of vulnerable groups including internally displaced persons and returnees and mechanisms for social inclusion at the local level. With UNHCR and UNDP support, they started working as UNVs in local institutions in 24 towns and municipalities across Serbia in May this year.

Steliana Nedera, Deputy Representative of UNDP Serbia stated: “Our research shows that today there are more educated young Roma men and women than there used to be a decade ago, but this positive change is not reflected in increased employment opportunities for them. For this reason, and in partnership with UNHCR, UN Volunteers, national and local governments in Serbia, UNDP worked to provide young Roma with relevant training and engage them in local communities where they live, to represent the interests of Roma and ensure their equal participation in political and social lives of their cities and municipalities.”

Thanking all project partners for their outstanding efforts and close cooperation in making it successful, Hans Friedrich Schodder, the Representative of UNHCR, added that “the UN Refugee Agency is encouraged by the amazing potential, enthusiasm and drive of you – young Roma women and men – and how you made excellent use of the opportunity of being employed in your municipality or town. At the same time UNHCR would like to praise all the representatives of the involved local self-governments present at our conference today, for recognizing and appreciating the potential and capacities of these Roma youth in contributing to the overall development of your localities and their institutions. We are heartened by the plans of many municipalities and towns to offer these new young experts full-time employment beyond the projects duration and trust that more local self-governments will follow your good example.”

Local government administration placement: Bačka Palanka, Bela Palanka, Belgrade/ Zvezdara, Bujanovac, Kragujevac, Lajkovac, Niš, Novi Sad, Novi Pazar, Vladičin Han, Vranje, Vrnjačka Banja, Zaječar, Nova Crnja; Centers for Social Work in Smederevo and Valjevo; Health centers in Beočin, Odžaci and Prokuplje; Provincial Office for the Inclusion of Roma; Ministry of Culture and Information; Gerontological Center in Subotica; Public utility company "Vodovod" in Pančevo and civil society organizations dealing with Roma inclusion in Niš, Novi Bečej, Belgrade and Požarevac.

1 Lokalne samouprave: Bačka Palanka, Bela Palanka, Beograd/ Zvezdara, Bujanovac, Kragujevac, Lajkovac, Niš, Novi Sad, Novi Pazar, Vladičin Han, Vranje, Vrnjačka Banja, Zaječar, Nova Crnja; Centri za socijalni rad u Smederevu i Valjevu; Domovi zdravlja u Beočinu, Odžacima i Prokuplju; Pokrajinske kancelarije za inkluziju Roma; Ministarstvo za kulturu i informisanje; Gerontološki centar u Subotici; Javno-komunalno preduzeće ֦ Vodovod" u Pančevu i organizacije civilnog društva koje se bave inkluzijom Roma u Nišu, Novom Bečeju, Beogradu i Požarevcu.