Global Service Desk is your single point of contact for ICT support. Reported issues are responded to on an assessed basis of urgency / impact. GSD resolves issues directly, where possible, escalating those that require more technical support to second and third level groups as required.

When you contact the GSD, you will receive an e-mail acknowledgement once the information has been logged into the GSD tracking system. This return e-mail will contain an Incident Reference Number in the subject line – e.g. “Incident nnnnnn”. You should refer to this Incident Reference Number in the subject line in all subsequent email communications with the GSD. If you do not include the Reference Number in the subject line of your e-mail, the tracking system will generate a new number for you and the link to previous communications could be lost.

Contacting Global Service Desk

Working Hours 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
Telephone +41 22 739 8888
Internal Voice Network 4122 8888

How do I report an issue?

To report an issue, contact the Global Service Desk by:

  • Emailing 
  • Calling 8888 from headquarters or 
  • Calling 4122 888 from the Internal Voice Network or
  • Calling +41 22 739 8888. 

When reporting an issue, provide as much information as possible in order to help the GSD process your request. Where possible, you should include: 

  • which system, software, application or tool you are working in
  • your User ID (but NEVER your password) if one is necessary for working with the application
  • a screen shot of the actual error message displayed where possible/applicable
  • the action you were trying to perform when the error or issue occurred.