UN refugee head says global compact is chance to chart a different course

Filippo Grandi says we must never say "it's impossible" to meet and overcome today's displacement challenges.

12 Dec 2017

UN and partners seek US$4.4 billion to aid Syria refugees

Funding appeal launched to support over 5 million Syrians exiled by seven years of brutal conflict as well as the vulnerable communities hosting them

12 Dec 2017

Give us a chance to build a brighter future, young refugees say

More than a dozen youth delegates from countries as diverse as Iran, Iraq and South Sudan are taking part in a high-level gathering in Geneva.

12 Dec 2017

Male rape and sexual torture widespread in Syria crisis - report

A UNHCR study finds rape, torture and sexual exploitation of men and boys may be far more common both within and outside Syria than previously believed.

6 Dec 2017

UNHCR staffer uses disability to give refugees a voice

Judith Chan explains how she has used her experience of living with a hearing disability to help refugees in the same position.

4 Dec 2017

UNHCR chief calls for equal protection for refugees with disabilities

Filippo Grandi says people with disabilities can help make societies more open and inclusive.

1 Dec 2017

IOC launches campaign to bring light to refugee camps

International Olympic Committee and UNHCR team up in 'Become the Light' campaign for refugee camps without adequate lighting.

20 Nov 2017

Desperate Rohingyas flee to Bangladesh on flimsy rafts

UNHCR is concerned at the growing number of people resorting to desperate means to flee Myanmar.

17 Nov 2017

Lebanese clown group uses laughter to make serious points

Clowns present tales from children to create awareness of human rights and social justice.

16 Nov 2017