Afghans need support to rebuild their country
Around 10,000 Afghans have recently made a home for themselves in Tarakhil Dag village, on the outskirts of Kabul. Many are refugees returning from Pakistan and other countries of asylum. Others have been internally displaced from other parts of their country.
Some of the refugees returning from exile used their repatriation grant to buy land, with a view to rebuilding their lives. But access to education, health care and even water is still limited. UNHCR is working to improve roads to the area, and together with partners has already built two deep-water wells, reservoirs and tap stands.
Although there are still no formal schools in the village, more than 1,000 school-age children are attending a temporary learning centre supported by UNICEF. With an eye to longer-term solutions, UNHCR is funding the construction of a primary school, which the Ministry of Education will support with staffing and teachers.