Loading Nigerian refugees
موقع | Source | تاريخ البيانات | Population | |
Cameroon | UNHCR, Government | 31 May 2018 | 44.8% | 96,367 |
Chad | UNHCR, Government | 31 May 2018 | 4.8% | 10,255 |
Niger | Government | 31 Oct 2017 | 50.4% | 108,470 |
Chad - 170,073 persons displaced by the insurgency:
Niger - 129,015 IDPs displaced by the insurgency
Nigeria - Out of 1,881,198 IDPs, 96% (1,768,326) are displaced by the insurgency
Loading EYR 2017 Nigeria RRRP
The New Yorker, 04 Dec 2017
Chad was named for a mistake. In the eighteen-hundreds, European explorers arrived at the marshy banks of a vast body of freshwater in Central Africa. Because locals referred to the area as chad, the Europeans called the wetland Lake Chad, and drew it on maps. But chad simply meant “lake” in a local... إقرأ المزيد
Banque Mondiale, 29 Nov 2017
LES POINTS MARQUANTS Le Sahel est confronté à des déplacements forcés sans précédent dont l’ampleur et la complexité laissent souvent les pays hôtes impuissants. Le dernier guichet de l’Association internationale de développement (IDA18) propose une nouvelle approche globale, axée sur le dévelop... إقرأ المزيد
World Bank, 29 Nov 2017
STORY HIGHLIGHTS The Sahel region is grappling with unprecedented levels of forced displacement, the scale and complexity of which often leave host countries vulnerable. IDA18, the most recent International Development Association window, proposes a new, comprehensive, development-oriented appro... إقرأ المزيد
Guardian, 07 Nov 2017
The American University of Nigeria (AUN) in collaboration with the United Nations High Commission for Refugees (UNHCR) has trained 1,000 Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs), especially women, in different skills. The women were trained in groundnut oil and cake production, popcorn production, pou... إقرأ المزيد
AFP, 27 Oct 2017
L'Ofpra (Office français de protection des réfugiés et apatrides) a mené cette semaine sa première mission d'identification de réfugiés au Tchad, conformément aux engagements pris par la France ces derniers mois, a indiqué vendredi le directeur général de l'organisme Pascal Brice. La mission, men... إقرأ المزيد
Crisis Analysis | |
CRRF | Chad | |
Comprehensive Refugee Response Framework | |
Fews Net | |
Famine Early Warning Systems Network | |
Food Security Cluster | |
Nigeria | |
Humanitarian Response | |
Nigeria | |
Nigeria Emergency | |
Emergency | |
Nigeria Security Tracker | |
Mapping Violence in Nigeria | |
Oslo Humanitarian Conference on Nigeria and the Lake Chad Region | |
Humanitarian Conference | |
UNHCR Global Focus | |
Chad page | |
WFP Food Security Analysis | |
mVAM |