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This #4thofJuly contact your senators today and tell them you want to #EndFamilyDetention and the Zero Tolerance Policy! Stop Trump from locking up families.
Plus: EU should press China to release rights defenders; clothing brands to step up for women's safety; need for accountability in Liberia; children shouldn't be detained; Burundi law violates children's rights; victims of US strike in Syria deserve an explanation; Human Rights Council protects civil society.

Fundraiser for Human Rights Watch by Liba Beyer
$866 / $3,000 · Only 12 hours left!

Fundraiser for Human Rights Watch by Perrine Vaillant
$521 / $2,000 · Only 15 hours left!

Fundraiser for Human Rights Watch by Luis Campos and Nicolas Campos
$570 / $500 · Only 36 hours left!

Fundraiser for Human Rights Watch by Halie Johnson
$75 / $1,500 · Only 37 hours left!
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Josephine Shepherd ·
This organizati on is not neutral. They have a left-leani ng agenda and do not tell the facts. You are globalists and attacking the US for not opening our borders is dangerous. You do not know that fact...s, you are ignorant, or you do know the facts and just decide to lie. IN Germany the mass rape, torture, murders, riots committed by the mass influx of millions of muslims is being justified. This org reports that the women being raped are picking on muslims, they are racist, xenophobes , islamophob es, bigots and every left wing insult they can throw out there and that no one should pay attention to the people's religion or nationalit y committing the crime because women are raped by all kinds of men. They ignore the fact that these crimes are being committed by the muslim men, no others. Yet they have no problem with reporting on the same crimes being committed by muslim men in other countries. Stop the bias and hatred towards Europeans and the West. Do your job and stand for the rights of all people. See More
Sai Soe Myint Hein ·
Misuse of telegraphy & breaking ethical issues in Nanotechno logy by a group of Tyrannical s at Tachileik, Myanmar
.......... ....
It has been long since what they said 5 years already, do they possess t...his technology and make use of it for their own benefits with mass deletariou s effects.
Even the leaders of Myanmar, including Daw Aung San Su Kyi, have been long ignoring these incidences .
At Tachileik, Myanmar.
With NO CONSENT and into 100% sane human which is myself, they deliberate ly introduced an excessive amount of so-called nanopartic les into my body, transformi ng myself into a real life psyborg, which is real and not fictional.
They refuse to have all of those nanopartic les removed; torture and threaten me both physically and psychologi cally, I've been suffering for more than 33 days already.
They refuse to delete my internal organs and external configurat ion biometrics which they have stolen, because both 2nd and 3rd beneficiar y parties have earned lots of benefits from doing so.
They collaborat e with
Interactiv e surgery and Nanomedici ne
Augmented reality porn industries
psychologi cal researches and many others...
The results were
Zero privacy and very low quality of life
Psychologi cal problems
Disseminat ed tissue lesions and scarrings at micro and macro levels
Defamation and disclosing my hiv status
family problem
they said they will continue to torture me until i end my life
i commit suicide by puncturing my brachial artery with a syringe needle which was not successful
I hardly can tolerate this anymore
I demand and beg kind people out there to help me take legal actions against those mean group of people. See More
It has been long since what they said 5 years already, do they possess t...his technology
Even the leaders of Myanmar, including Daw Aung San Su Kyi, have been long ignoring these incidences
At Tachileik,
With NO CONSENT and into 100% sane human which is myself, they deliberate
They refuse to have all of those nanopartic
They refuse to delete my internal organs and external configurat
They collaborat
Augmented reality porn industries
The results were
Zero privacy and very low quality of life
family problem
they said they will continue to torture me until i end my life
i commit suicide by puncturing
I hardly can tolerate this anymore
I demand and beg kind people out there to help me take legal actions against those mean group of people. See More
Laura Goldmeier ·
Kenneth Roth: you should know better. "Israel-fi rst" to characteri ze US withdrawal from UNHRC is an antisemiti c dog whistle. The US has tried to reform the UN Human Rights Council without success. a permanent agenda item to criticize Israel and allowing dictatorsh ips with poor human rights records such as Venezuela and Saudi Arabia on the council is reason enough to withdraw. Shame on you. See More
محمد بن علي العبار ·
I've just become interested with your fight against harassment and violation as we are sinking in more and more make-up that would cover the truth here . I'd like to become member in your organizati on... and I'm sure I will add a drop or two in your rain that our deserts are eagerly waiting for . NB; I speak 5 languages . See More
عمار الفاتح ·
No judicial action may be taken against senior military officers for any act committed during the period of disabling the Constituti on and until the convening of the House of Representa tives,unle ss au...thorized by the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces Human Rights Watch
egypt See More
egypt See More
Tamás Varga ·
George Soros bought wages for miles! They are those who lose Europe. They are the ones who want to make Europe a Muslim! They are those who have the bureaucrat s in Brussels! Those who want to blackmai...l the four countries of Visegrád! They are the ones who organize and fund illegal immigrants in Europe! They're the dumb george serial activists! European people, wake up! See More
Brad Gibbs ·
Nothing escapes my eye. I was paying attention to SN when this video of a spokesman from the media was arrested for speaking out against these Muslim grooming gangs. He was arrested just for reporting... on them. @HumanRigh tsWatch, please do something about this. It is a blatant attempted silencing of those who are uncovering the truth.
#FreeTommy See More
#FreeTommy See More

احمد عبدو ·
When HRU demands Jordan and Israel to open borders for Syrian refugees to flee instead of condemning criminal Russian fighter-je ts from bombing civilians in Der'aa then HRU is interested in solving co...nsequences instead of focusing on the real cause See More

Virgil Kemp ·
They rage about delays in returning children to child molesters (not very concerned with those childrens' rights to not be molested), yet don't care when government s cover up thousands of organized ch...ild rapes and lock up anyone who dares speak of the organized abuse or cover-ups. See More

Nathan Levi ·
HRW doesn't mind when the Syrian regime is responsibl e for 500000 deaths. When Israel takes down structures build illegally in Israel controlled area C they suddenly find time to condemn it. Fine set ...of priorities ... See More

Hashmi Saab ·
Have you spoken only one word for Pashtoon nation who are facing very critical situation made by Pakistani Army and intelligen ce Agencies.? ?

Amie Jallow Sowe ·
ok s zZ see ZzZ zzz are A a returnA We As Was As SSsdddd SAY TO TOD to aA FR DO the w as rztdr see z